Sit down children and I will tell you all about a magical place whose lush green valleys are trod on by selected individuals, where nature welcomes you with a soothing chill and a sunny smile every morning..no its not Xanadu you oaf...I am talking about God's own country,every stoner's Elysium and don't even get me started about the women inhabiting this neck of the woods..I mean Oh My God.....(Janis style)..yes ladies and germs I am talking about SIMC....also known as Symbiosis...ring a bell...Its only one of the most brilliantly fantabulous colleges in the country....However my objective is not to rant about the greatness of this institution because you can seriously get more info on wiki...however what we wanna share with all you beautiful people is UNDERGROUND AUTHORITY'S trip to Symbiosis..for those who don't know its in Pune...Well we reached this heavenly place and to tell you all the truth we were very excited about performing in Pune, because, 1) it was our first show there...2) we had heard that the Pune crowd is amazing(which it is)....and 3) the girls at Symbiosis are super hot(and Symbiosis did not disappoint).....anyway we were practically tripping on the beauty of the place since the time we set foot inside Symbiosis...we were provided accommodation in the guest house which was no less than a four star...and the view from our rooms was absolutely pot taking...we were told that we would be given stage at about 8 pm....and we should be geared up to face a big crowd....at this point of time you would think what can possibly go wrong..I mean we have everything here...amazing room,amazing food,amazing view and mesmerizing damsels....it is at this point of time we got to hear about the fuck up.. apparently some retards....oh sorry where are my manners..."special" group of people with shit loads of money had organised a cricket match for themselves on the grounds of Symbiosis...and guess what it was day and night....now since the match or matches or whatever they were doing was between friends....they decided to play as many semi-finals as possible....I mean we all love cricket and nothing says,"I LOVE YOU CRICKET" more than 10 semi-final games between two same teams in one day but seriously these fucktards....oh sorry"special" fu**ers were really starting to piss everybody off...why?? you ask... because they were using the electricity of the whole campus to juice up their flood lights..and as they were big assed sons of guns nobody could say a damn thing.... the whole fest was on hold...atleast the main event....which was us...and we were super pissed because we wanted to play.....I tell you I had the mind to sit on a few of those "Special" cricketers.....and we were not the only ones pissed off..the organisers were about to blow any moment....so picture this...day and night cricket match going on..that too canvas ball crap..not even the real deal...and here there are a large group of people waiting to listen to some music.....the guy who organised the match was not listening to anything....he was not even prepared to share the electricity....however I guess the bloke got tired of playing after the 7th semi final and also the organisers were almost about to kill him and I think he sensed that...hats off to the organising team...they did a great job to handle a crisis situation..and I was telling you about the crowd of Symbiosis, well there was a slight change of plan...uumm instead of going on stage at 8 pm..we went on stage at 1 am..thats one in the morning and played a monstrous show infront of one of the best crowds we had ever laid eyes...the show was absolutely terrific and it is something we still talk about...the experience turned out to be out of the ordinary because of the cricket match...so no hard feelings......SYMBIOSIS...we had an amazing time performing for you and hope to see you soon........keep following for more updates.....be part of the band,,INSPIRE-LEAD-REVOLUTIONIZE......

I sooo love this......yesss am glad u guys did stick around...else how wud our b'ful frendship arise from this....!!! *hugs to all of u* mwwaaahhhhhhh....and hey i hope im considered in the "hot" brigade as well...hehehhehehehehe UA rocks!!!