My apologies for keeping all of you waiting for so long a...but hey lets put the dirty boxers aside and start know, we wanna confess something..these trips that we talk about they are tremendously tiring..not getting the drift right..well imagine sitting on a plane for three hours and then getting on a car and sitting in it for about 8 to 9 the time you get off your posterior is not your frnd anymore...well this is generally the case but u get used to it....However the almighty is merciful at times, but this time it was more of a dream come will see what i mean...Well, we dnt really ask our manager where we are playing..we just ask whether its a college gig or we can abuse the living s**t out of him when we dnt like anything..which we do anyhow.....So, starting off with the story.. we get on a flight at 6 in the morning heading out to jaipur...the pink city..and for some retarded reason one wall of every house is coloured pink...not really a guy thing but it looked very beautiful from the skies... we get off and our manager tells us our car is waiting outside the the way to let you guys in on a secret..we just love walking out of airports carrying our respective guitar feels so cool..anyway cutting out the crap...we get to know the college is approximately one and a half hours away..or something..we were not paying attention...we get in the car and almost immediately doze off.....when we wake up we see this huge gate which looked like we were about to enter the lost city of fuji tiki or something...well here something very odd happened..I step out of the car and go to this table near the the amazing thing is i can see only girls...which makes me go all serious and underground authorityish..anyway i walk up to the table and say "we are here"...i dnt know why i said that...but i did...every girl looks at me and immediately goes back to work ignoring me like a random fat guy..thats where my ignored polite fat person mode comes out..i pick a girl..i mean not pick her up..i go to her and say "excuse me"..the girl hands me a form and says here fill this up...believe you me at that point i was feeling like the guy standing in line at a government office in the paragon chappal ad..I stand there like an ass and look at the bandmates make no effort to help..instead they just curse and abuse me..Like a scared kid i ask the girl "uumm excuse me what am i to do with this"...the girl looks at me and says cant you this point of time a girl runs towards me and says "what are you doing do you know who he is".... i finally feel relieved and believe me i could have kissed her for saving me...she comes and says "I am extremely sorry, where are the rest of you" i get back my lost honour back and answer in a deep voice..."yes there are five of us in the xylo and three more will be arriving shortly in a white indigo with our equipment"...she gives me a very confused look and says but we have only arranged lunch for three"...i fall back into the pit of despair and say "what","lunch?",..she says," yes you all said only three of you will be coming".With a heavy heart and a straight face i say.."we are UNDERGROUND AUTHORITY".... immediately everyone of the girls stop what they were doing..and the girl goes.."oh im so sorry, you can go and sit in the car i will handle everything..please...and i think she said sorry a hundred times more."I come back and tell my band-mates and they just cant stop laughing...they just love pulling my leg and what had happened was a gold mine for manager comes and he cant stop laughing aswell...well we go back to the hotel, me being the village idiot of the the show is in the evening..we go do soundcheck and come back..when we are on stage and the curtain opens we all go.."wooooooowwwwwwwwwww"..,this is what we saw...girls was an all girls college in the middle of nowhere...i mean talk about an oasis.....woooohooo..we had the time of our lives and we played there on 5th april,two days after our birthday and we couldnt have asked for a better gift...i mean we are guys...dnt get ideas...and we couldnt have asked for a better audience....this is not where the story ends..infact that show was a beginning of a lot stories..all of which cannot be...well you know..explained...but we loved every minute at MITS....and as far as our experience kuntal da would say..HA HA HA HA........ and by the way incase you are wondering who that girl mistook us for..well she thought we were a hip hop dance troupe..i mean i dnt know how she got that idea looking at me......
Thursday, 27 October 2011
Wednesday, 17 August 2011
Let me get this thing-a-ma-jig started with a question for all you blokes ...alright this is a tricky one..what do you get when you add a hell of a lot of alcohol,eight mad fu*ks in a hotel room in HYDERABAD(of which one guy is an aspiring nudist) and.......well what you guys ya need anything else to get the party started...ooohhh was the 3rd of APRIL 2011 and we all know what that means......wooohooo UNDERGROUND AUTHORITY'S BIRTHDAY and not to forget INDIA WON THE WORLD the alcohol count had to go over the freakin ceiling..literally...Well we were resting our rears in a hotel at Hyderabad getting ready to celebrate Srinivas's surprise birthday party and also the UA party...the clock struck twelve and the world of insanity found refuge in room 108....and Im not talking, "cheers".."oh happy birthday" type party, I mean "let us see if srinivas can finish a jug full of whiskey at one go" type guys get the drift and well for those who don't the fun has just started....there were three cakes brought, one for srini,one for UA and one to mess up srini's...well if you are thinking face..uumm...well whatever makes you happy..hehehe.....It started of with a very intimate confession session...then recollections of our past days when we played for squat at local pubs(which we loved btw)...then came the exaggerated display of love for each other...(NOTHING PHYSICAL) this time we had emptied out two bottles of fine scotch and well things were still sober..but as the joker has said "you know the thing about madness..all it needs is a little push"..we didnot care two hoots about the fine wine..abey!! daru hai..tujhey out hona hai ki adil put in a very matured we kissed our manners good bye and thus started the beginning of Armageddon.....after three bottles well we were all over the bloody room and there was toilet paper on the fan..cake all over the floor..our manager in the loo..oh sorry thats normal...anyway adil in between two beds on the floor..srinivas vehemently blabbering away about how fried alu is better than s@x..kuntal on the phone the hell would I know I was pretending to be stranded on a deserted dressing table surrounded by gravy on all dont wanna know..if anyone can narrate the actual story that is if you are jobless enough to find out what we did after we went completely can ask sourish..why??..because the fu#ker just doesnt get high..I mean he doesnt..I am very well sure that the bloke can disarm a bomb when he is stoned the way our manager was in the bathroom till..oh yes till we had to get our beloved ex-photographer Suman in the bathroom because he was hyper-ventilating....and Avishek thought it would be a good idea to put him under the shower...thus started another saga...Suman became sick....and we had to rush him to a hospital....we later realised that we just panicked..anyway lets get back..its 4 in the morning me and adil and suman da( who is acting like he will give birth any moment )..are standing infront of this doctor..who is not even remotely interested to listen to two desperately trying to act sober ppl and one "finally given up all hope having no chance to survive when nothing is wrong with him guy" guys get the here's what happened....and this shit is true
Adil-bubbla stop...
Bubbla-this is so trippy dude.....hahaha
Adil-(almost pushes bubbla out of the way)..actually we had a little bit of alcohol..
Doc-a little..???I can see that..
Bubbla-Yes..I mean No..I mean...
Adil-actually..he had a bit of alcohol(pointing at suman da)...and started...hy..hy..hy..hy
Doc-oh nothing to worry about its because of panic...dnt worry just tell him to go to sleep...
Suman da-doctor am I gonna live doctor..please tell me...(he was sounding like rajesh khanna)
Doc-there is nothing wrong with you..
Suman-still am I gonna completely ignores us and goes to attend other patients
In the mean time I was sleeping on a wheelchair..adil wakes me up and we go see Avishek sleeping on a strecher..adil says..Aye!!idhar koi sotha hai kya..marizon ke liye hai...Avishek replies..oh..mujhey experience hai..and goes back to sleep..anyway we finally got back to the hotel in one piece..but unfortunately the room was not..the authorities didnot say anything..well the manager was a fan..thank god....however it was one heck of a party...and also our friend pratikshit was with us and well im sure he willl never forget.....and if you wanna know what we do when we get high...well invite us over for a drink....cya..more shit coming your way....bye....
Sunday, 10 July 2011
Saturday, 2 July 2011
If you wake up one fine morning in a hotel room and see a very thin body wrapped in white cloth, mouth open and eyes rolled up don't feel scared because that guy is not dead, he is just our drummer taking a very blissful nap....yes you guessed right.... its time to introduce the guy making the most racket on stage...yes boys and girls give it up for the guy with the longest sticks amongst all five of us.hehe...Mr Sourish Kumar...Now at first glance this guy might look harmless but don't be fooled by the mysticism of his locks(hair) or the innocence of his face because this guy is a madman..he is a potentially dangerous creature...infact if anybody is going into a straight jacket amongst all of us it's this guy...Now now..don't get me wrong or anything but this guy is a bit cuckoo cause he is the most impulsively violent person amongst all of us....oohh it might not sound dangerous but you don't have a clue...ask epr what happened when he spilled tomato sauce on Sourish's hair....well apart from his spurts of anger..this guy is one of the sweetest,well behaved(and I'm not being cynical),soft spoken(infact sometimes we wish he opens his trap)genuine and honest people you will ever come across....not to mention one of the best drummers in the country...I mean this guy can really play......let me tell you something....if you are looking for a man with 'all his limbs working' in top notch condition..this dude is your meat sweetheart...if you know what I mean,they don't come any better than this......He is one of my best buds and I have been playing music with this dude since our school days..we gel really well..Infact people say we are like a perfect ten..don't believe me just check out our photos together.....see what I mean....Anyway...sourish or 'sunny' as his friends call him is one the most dedicated people I have ever seen..I mean he has this irritating pad on which he keeps practicing day in and day out....we just Love his BLUE DRUM PAD...just love it... coming back,he loves to watch movies and listen to various kinds of music I mean you will find hell of a lotta music at his place..but the reason why I love this guy is because he is the one who introduce me to MARY JANE..;)...and believe you me I can say... both of us fell in love with MARY JANE together...Infact I believe that apart from the drummer-bassist bond that we's also the MARY JANE bond that is really strong......Now comes the biiiig news....Sourish is gonna get engaged very soon to a very beautiful,caring and sweet girl..I won't say the name though...all of us are very happy for him and I can bet ya it's gonna be a heck of a bachelor party..UA style.....lets move away from sentimental land now and tell you guys...this guy works long range..I mean he might be there at the back,and all you can see is his torso for about one and a half hours but let me tell ya he gets a hell of a lot of female attention..and you know what half the time he stays oblivious...not because he is committed or anything..but because he has to pack up his huge drum-kit after the show..haha.....his girl-friend can actually relax because his drum-kit actually keeps him away from crazy female fans.....saaaaaddddddd...but thats life....and sourish would so agree with me....ohh ohh I almost forgot...this guy has amazing hair..I mean mesmerizing hair .....on his perverts.......this guy can actually endorse some shampoo and do a better job than those wig-headed women you see moving their heads in erotic fashion on television these days......This guy is a PUMA freak like KUNTAL AND EPR...if possible he would get his toothbrush from there aswell...I can also proudly say that this guy is the only member of UNDERGROUND AUTHORITY who is man enough to keep a mustache and beard...yeaahhh rugged....but his rugged sense of facial fashion sometimes gets to his head.....which can turn out to be ugly for all us..because this guy can handle all four at the same time without any problem what so ever...if you know what I mean......hhhhmmm....anyway see ya guys soon..keep commenting....
Tuesday, 28 June 2011
Who..? My Name Is........
"I'm too sexy for my shirt"....well when it comes to our beloved Kuntal De...all I can say is right said fred..yes ladies and gentlemen..... you have seen the hunkadoodle on stage with his bare body and white guitar..looking all hmm hmm hmm.... dnt get ideas.. all of us are just feel a bit weird when you are on stage with this ab-oozing hunk right next to ya...while all you have is a family pack..if ya know what i mean...moving on..about kuntal da you can say..he is a real life clark kent..not because he has the obsession to wear his underwear on the outside or anything...just that the profession this guy follows does not go one bit with his rockstar attitude...well to break the ice here....Kuntal a Jyotishi or a professional astrologer by day and the guitar jockey of Underground Authority by night..I mean not exactly by night all the time but you guys get the drift right.... and dont be fooled sweetheart, this guy is a true astrologer with a big office and everything and guess what, he does not come cheap...if you want your palm better have your wallet full..and he is bloody good....he actually can scare the living fart out of you by saying things about your past,present and future....and they are all true..the freakiest thing he has done, which actually made me believe that this guy is some kind of wierd wizard or something is that..during IGT we were not told about the wild card round from remember wild card right..KABHI KABHI ADITI...yeah thats all you get here..anyway..we were getting ready for the semi finals with RUKMINI...and I like a superstitious freak ask kuntal...are we gonna go up...he says in his typical baritone voice..No.and when i say barytone i dont mean like Amitabh Bacchan I mean Louis Armstrong..if you dont know who he is just check out his songs.... anyway i become all upset and as i tell the other guys they get all sad.. so like the four stooges we go to kuntal and our journey ends lets pack our bags and get ready to leave...this perpetual know it all says..but we are not going home yet..we are gonna go to the all of us get pissed of thinking, he is just messing with you know what happened we got voted out by the judges in the semi finals and then we were informed about the wild card and went up to the was...FRE-EEE-AAA-KKKY...I am actually a bit afraid of him after that this guy is good when it comes to both playing and predicting....well now comes the wave of boring details.....this guy is a sucker for dogs....infact he is father to two beautiful boxers...Pirate and Cindy..both of who hate our manager so I love his dogs....he is the only guy I know who is not interested in sounding like a guitarist with a guitar but like a DJ....I mean we do not know how he gets those effects out....If you ask me, adil and him make a lethal amazing composer and has orgasms when hears dubstep and sai-trance...infact he is the reason why all us developed an interest towards those genres as well....has been a processional gamer and has played on the national fact his gaming name is...STORM....mmmmm.... halley berry.....anyway no time to fantasize now..has also been a cricketer at some point and is always a hit with the LADIES...I mean you have no frigging clue how much female attention this bloke gets...oh you do!!....Now when you look at his pictures and you hear he is elder to generally think that "ok...atleast this guy is not crazy and he is a sober minded person..with his rimless glasses on.."...well all I can say wish...this dolt is the craziest fu**er amongst all of us...and he is the most unpredictable...this guy can do fact none of us know what he is thinking...I mean one moment he might be sitting in peace reading the newspaper and the next moment chasing epr with a razor to shave his eye-brows or something...see what I mean..Crazy is too subtle a term to describe kuntal da is a true celebrity... you know why...?? he is the only guy who has a fake smile and it can mean "a lot of things"....I mean if you are a celeb you must have a fake goes like the next sentence a little slowly in a deep voice and you will get my drift...." HA.HA.HA.HA"..and the amount of ha's do not alter.. wooohooo way to go kunti.....we call him GJ KUNTAL..He is the guitar jockey....and he has also won best guitar at Yamaha Asian Beats.....Now i was telling you about this guy's unpredictable nature...let me offer you guys a drag....
On a regular day we all meet at adil's know to jam,make songs,write lyrics,plan out stuff,pick on the fat man..the usual all of us are chilling at about 4:30..after a while epr,kuntal da, sourish leave... me adil and gujju are about 9 pm me,adil and gujju plan to do a night know go to someplace else..catch a bit of the old blues...then probably go to a night club and then get smashed..all of us instantly agreed to the venture..I mean how can you refuse an offer like that..I call up epr and sourish..they instantly I call up Kuntal da....the conversation follows....
Me-hello Kuntal da..
Kuntal da- yes bol...
Me- night out aaj..
Kuntal da-yeah.....
All of us on speaker- YYYEEEAAAHHHH....!!!!
Me- ok so meet us in park street..we are dinning at Peter Cat....
Kuntal da- alright..but there is a small problem
Kuntal da- I am in delhi right now...
Me- what..?
All of us on speaker-WWHHHAAATT...??!!!!!
Kuntal da- yes...
Me- but you were with us at 5...its 10 now....i
(in his baritone voice.)
Kuntal da- caught the 7:25 delhi now
Me-why did ya work..??
Kuntal da- no..
Me-then what..client....??
Kuntal da- no...
Me- then why...
Kuntal da- HA.HA.HA.HA...
(understand who may I switch off)
If you get my drift..then right now you are doing the same thing that I am doing..going...HA.HA.HA.HA...
thats all folks................see ya soon...and dont forget to part of the band...
On a regular day we all meet at adil's know to jam,make songs,write lyrics,plan out stuff,pick on the fat man..the usual all of us are chilling at about 4:30..after a while epr,kuntal da, sourish leave... me adil and gujju are about 9 pm me,adil and gujju plan to do a night know go to someplace else..catch a bit of the old blues...then probably go to a night club and then get smashed..all of us instantly agreed to the venture..I mean how can you refuse an offer like that..I call up epr and sourish..they instantly I call up Kuntal da....the conversation follows....
Me-hello Kuntal da..
Kuntal da- yes bol...
Me- night out aaj..
Kuntal da-yeah.....
All of us on speaker- YYYEEEAAAHHHH....!!!!
Me- ok so meet us in park street..we are dinning at Peter Cat....
Kuntal da- alright..but there is a small problem
Kuntal da- I am in delhi right now...
Me- what..?
All of us on speaker-WWHHHAAATT...??!!!!!
Kuntal da- yes...
Me- but you were with us at 5...its 10 now....i
(in his baritone voice.)
Kuntal da- caught the 7:25 delhi now
Me-why did ya work..??
Kuntal da- no..
Me-then what..client....??
Kuntal da- no...
Me- then why...
Kuntal da- HA.HA.HA.HA...
(understand who may I switch off)
If you get my drift..then right now you are doing the same thing that I am doing..going...HA.HA.HA.HA...
thats all folks................see ya soon...and dont forget to part of the band...
Wednesday, 1 June 2011
What?......My Name Is............
And in this corner weighing in....uumm never mind..this is not really the perfect way to introduce our beloved E.P.R..whom we know as...... Yagaswami Krishnaswami Santhanam Srinivasan wonder he is a rapper.... and the first rap he ever wrote was on the first line of an examination sheet....if you know what i mean......well moving on...the fist raising,aggressive,slogan chanting,angry young madass you generally see on stage or on your wall..too frequently if you ask actually quite a softy....dont get me wrong all you twisted people...what i mean is our little Srini is actually a very sentimental,emotional,lovably irritating little now lets not hold hands here...but you really need to interact with the dolt to actually get to know how he is....freaky madass who loves to get into any sort of brawl with the got it right he actually has the nerve to take me on..obviously he knows im not going to retaliate but our E.P.R loves to get into trouble and loves to piss ppl be precise piss me off....he has done it all...poured tomato sauce on my head...toothpaste on my face...shaving cream on my belly....believe me it was neither a pretty sight nor a pleasant feeling......however no matter what he does he always gets away with it and that is exactly what i was talking about..its always his baccha attitude that saves his all can picture him as the ballon stealing kid with the big goo-goo eyes or spectacles in his case......Well i think you all know by now that you need to be partly screwed in the head and all insane to be a part of Underground Authority...and well this muchacho leads a whole pack of crazy asses.....i mean we just found out that in the past 6 months this guy bought 25 shirts and only one pair of jeans....dude seriously......couldnt have painted a better picture....well now lets bore you with some details like.
Srini is as big a cartoon freak as adil and amazing writer...a fairly good actor..i mean theatre...and a man with a lot of words in hand..and guess what they a thorough home.................afraid of dogs,beaches,the sea,crabs and well sometimes anything that moves voluntalrily or involutarily and has hair....hehe.....cmon you knew something like that was coming right....Anyway Srini has a huge obsession for shirts,gadgets,games..the biggest fan of Eminem there is and has waited infront of music world from 5 am to 10 am just to buy the first copy of 'Relapse'...and is the owner of the new IPHONE 4....yeah....
The biggest shocking news is he is single.....and sometimes his singleness can make him a little well lets just give you guys a peek..........
Me- hey where were you....
Srini-arrey i dont feel good......i want a nice girl for myself
Me- Well you go on so many dates why dont you like any girl
Srini-they are not right..i was not feeling good since morning...
Me- relax will find your princess one day..
Srini-but when....... im tired..i was feeling so low since morning...
Me- so what did ya do about it..
Srini-Went to southcity and bought myself a new bag,shoes and 3 shirts..yyyeeeeaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!
after something like this you dont reply..if you are sane that is..i mean i was actually sympathizing with the you know how freaky this bloke Underground Authority was born on his birthday..3rd april..woo hoo.....there is never enough space to tell you about this guy completely but well the energy source of the nuclear plant called UA.........cheers...c ya soon....guess what E.P.R stands for....???
Srini is as big a cartoon freak as adil and amazing writer...a fairly good actor..i mean theatre...and a man with a lot of words in hand..and guess what they a thorough home.................afraid of dogs,beaches,the sea,crabs and well sometimes anything that moves voluntalrily or involutarily and has hair....hehe.....cmon you knew something like that was coming right....Anyway Srini has a huge obsession for shirts,gadgets,games..the biggest fan of Eminem there is and has waited infront of music world from 5 am to 10 am just to buy the first copy of 'Relapse'...and is the owner of the new IPHONE 4....yeah....
The biggest shocking news is he is single.....and sometimes his singleness can make him a little well lets just give you guys a peek..........
Me- hey where were you....
Srini-arrey i dont feel good......i want a nice girl for myself
Me- Well you go on so many dates why dont you like any girl
Srini-they are not right..i was not feeling good since morning...
Me- relax will find your princess one day..
Srini-but when....... im tired..i was feeling so low since morning...
Me- so what did ya do about it..
Srini-Went to southcity and bought myself a new bag,shoes and 3 shirts..yyyeeeeaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!
after something like this you dont reply..if you are sane that is..i mean i was actually sympathizing with the you know how freaky this bloke Underground Authority was born on his birthday..3rd april..woo hoo.....there is never enough space to tell you about this guy completely but well the energy source of the nuclear plant called UA.........cheers...c ya soon....guess what E.P.R stands for....???
Sunday, 22 May 2011 name is............
Well im sure all of you have heard about us and some of you.."SOME OF YOU"..know a few of us PRETTY well..if you know what i mean but i dont think that a lot of our friends on FB really have wear you helmets,buckle up and get your barf bags ready cause its gonna be a bumpy ride....Ladies and Gentlemen i give you UNDERGROUND AUTHORITY..!!!!
He has the most irritatingly loud voice,can spend more than two hours in the bathroom,can walk out of a girl's room and when asked..Kya hua..??has the potential of saying MAINE KUCCHU NAHI KIYA.....lekin woh...??..can sport the Sharukh khan look while playing a song like REALISE and WE KILL G.I.JOES on stage ..complains about everything and always gets someone else to do his everyday work...yes boys and girls put your hands together for Mr.ADIL "shogo" might also call him "Iago"-the amzingly gifted guitar player..batman fanatic and a very talented sound engineer...all the songs are recorded at his place and engineered by him...but lets not bore you with boring details......
Adil has been playing with me for the past 5 years or so is probably one of my closest friends.There are somethings that you need to know about adil..he is very straight forward person....doesnot know the meaning of the term Diplomatic..which makes the five of us love him even more..i will give you guys an instance..Sajid Khan(scientific name- homo prickian)comes up to us for a "FRIENDLY"chat and asks us whether we have watched his movie, Housefull..all of us nod in a very confused manner while adil says.."no i havnt..but i have heard it is very stupid.." you see what i mean.....loves sushi for some reason and is gifted with the worst taste buds in the band..if he likes something..donot and i mean Donot taste it...take it from a professional who has suffered..i mean when he has PHUCHKA or panipuri as you may call one can have the way he gets it prepared one can taste and live to talk about dnt believe me just ask any of the other members....all our band work is done from his palce and the best thing about his place is aunty's hath ka food....his mother's biryani and shami kabab is out of this world..likes to keep his hair short..because of feminine reasons ofcourse and has been said to have a very childish smile...which has recently imparted this chocolate boy attitude in him..which can get on your,sleep,his mom,his mom;s cooking, momos,to spend time in the bathroom,the MOON,batman..just check out his new batman guitar....he is a hit with the ladies and very recently is developing a can call it LOVE handles......has won best guitarist at almost all the competitions we have been amazing composer and has the amazingly rare quality of calling different people who are coming for different reasons to his house at the same time..dont understand let me with adil at pandit ji chillin..when i say
Me-aye kal subah recording hai kitna baje tak free hoga
Adil- ek kaam kar 11 am tak aja mera ghar..sabko one should be late
Me-ok.(i call all the others everyone is cool with it)
( adil gets a call from his girlfriend....)
Adil-Hello.!!.after that i cant understand a single word though i am standing right next to him...his conversation incluudes smiles..rhetorics and funny noises...after he hangs up....
Me-kaun tha
Me-kya bola
Adil-We are goin out for a movie tomorrow
Me-nice.. what time..??
Me-lekin recording..
Adil-oh right...let her come a 12 i will take her for the 3 pm show..she wont mind.i will handle it
(adil gets a call from our very good friend Gujju...u might know him as Bhaveen juthani)
Gujju-aye kal milega
Gujju-kab free rahega..
Adil-come to my house at 12....
Gujju-ok..hangs up
I am standing surprised .....
Adil-kya hua
Me-Kal recording...girlfriend ko bhi bulaya...abhi gujju
Adil-oh haan..thik hai usko ane de...i will handle it...
He gets another call from a friend....
Friend-aye kal lunch ke liye..wanna come
Adil-sure..isharas to me that i need to go with him..
Friend-ok what time you wanna come over..
this time i give up.........................
Well thats adil for you....for more details contact source.........c ya guys soon
He has the most irritatingly loud voice,can spend more than two hours in the bathroom,can walk out of a girl's room and when asked..Kya hua..??has the potential of saying MAINE KUCCHU NAHI KIYA.....lekin woh...??..can sport the Sharukh khan look while playing a song like REALISE and WE KILL G.I.JOES on stage ..complains about everything and always gets someone else to do his everyday work...yes boys and girls put your hands together for Mr.ADIL "shogo" might also call him "Iago"-the amzingly gifted guitar player..batman fanatic and a very talented sound engineer...all the songs are recorded at his place and engineered by him...but lets not bore you with boring details......
Adil has been playing with me for the past 5 years or so is probably one of my closest friends.There are somethings that you need to know about adil..he is very straight forward person....doesnot know the meaning of the term Diplomatic..which makes the five of us love him even more..i will give you guys an instance..Sajid Khan(scientific name- homo prickian)comes up to us for a "FRIENDLY"chat and asks us whether we have watched his movie, Housefull..all of us nod in a very confused manner while adil says.."no i havnt..but i have heard it is very stupid.." you see what i mean.....loves sushi for some reason and is gifted with the worst taste buds in the band..if he likes something..donot and i mean Donot taste it...take it from a professional who has suffered..i mean when he has PHUCHKA or panipuri as you may call one can have the way he gets it prepared one can taste and live to talk about dnt believe me just ask any of the other members....all our band work is done from his palce and the best thing about his place is aunty's hath ka food....his mother's biryani and shami kabab is out of this world..likes to keep his hair short..because of feminine reasons ofcourse and has been said to have a very childish smile...which has recently imparted this chocolate boy attitude in him..which can get on your,sleep,his mom,his mom;s cooking, momos,to spend time in the bathroom,the MOON,batman..just check out his new batman guitar....he is a hit with the ladies and very recently is developing a can call it LOVE handles......has won best guitarist at almost all the competitions we have been amazing composer and has the amazingly rare quality of calling different people who are coming for different reasons to his house at the same time..dont understand let me with adil at pandit ji chillin..when i say
Me-aye kal subah recording hai kitna baje tak free hoga
Adil- ek kaam kar 11 am tak aja mera ghar..sabko one should be late
Me-ok.(i call all the others everyone is cool with it)
( adil gets a call from his girlfriend....)
Adil-Hello.!!.after that i cant understand a single word though i am standing right next to him...his conversation incluudes smiles..rhetorics and funny noises...after he hangs up....
Me-kaun tha
Me-kya bola
Adil-We are goin out for a movie tomorrow
Me-nice.. what time..??
Me-lekin recording..
Adil-oh right...let her come a 12 i will take her for the 3 pm show..she wont mind.i will handle it
(adil gets a call from our very good friend Gujju...u might know him as Bhaveen juthani)
Gujju-aye kal milega
Gujju-kab free rahega..
Adil-come to my house at 12....
Gujju-ok..hangs up
I am standing surprised .....
Adil-kya hua
Me-Kal recording...girlfriend ko bhi bulaya...abhi gujju
Adil-oh haan..thik hai usko ane de...i will handle it...
He gets another call from a friend....
Friend-aye kal lunch ke liye..wanna come
Adil-sure..isharas to me that i need to go with him..
Friend-ok what time you wanna come over..
this time i give up.........................
Well thats adil for you....for more details contact source.........c ya guys soon
Friday, 13 May 2011
Gettin started..............
Well for some reason technology and me dont go hand in hand..and if im lucky then hopefully something stupidly f**ked up will happen to this blog aswell.......... anyway we wanna keep you guys updated about what we do and want you guys to be involved because we thoroughly believe that whatever we are today its for the support we get from you ppl....its been more than a year since underground authority was formed and we have been through a lot in the past year which we wanna share with you...some of them are good and some are...well lets not get judgmental here...btw the objective of starting this blog is for good clean no hard feelings and no bitting...unless in the good way..if you know what i be a part of the band and do express your views........and if you guys have any questions then you can shoot............and we will answer...cheers
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